Monday, July 27, 2009

Xbox Live Arcade Prices Rising

A study has recently shown that the Xbox Live Arcade Prices Rising is something that's actually happening. In this case, getting Free Microsoft Points like I showed you in a previous article would be beneficial, so this raise in Microsoft Points cost wouldn't effect you. But over the time span of the Xbox 360's life, the price of the Xbox Live Arcade Games have shot up to an average of 800 Microsoft Points. You're not crazy if you're thinking that your Xbox 360 games are costing you more. Read on to find out more and read speculation on the rise of Xbox Live Arcade Prices.

The first month of the Xbox 360's release, the average price for an XBLA game was under 600 points. Now for those of you who don't know, that's a pretty amazing price tag. You can't even get DLC these days under 600 Microsoft Points. Compared to the average Xbox Live Arcade game of today, the price tag has now risen to an average of about 700 Microsoft Points now. That may not be that much of a jump, but it's significant and the prices are steadily on the rise as we speak. The prices of the Xbox Live Arcade games being released this summer are likely to raise the average once more.

Microsoft has a promotion going on where they advertise and promote some of the new high tier Xbox Live Arcade titles to be coming to the Xbox 360 console. 4 out of the 5 games apart of the promotion have a price tag of 1200 Microsoft Points. The factors of pricing are likely to be looked at here. AS the games apart of the promotion are by top companies and are highly awaited. Like Shadow Complex, a game that is said to rival the popular franchise Metroid. It's no surprise that games of this caliber would be sold for 1200 Microsoft Points, but it still raises the average a bit. I'm personally not looking forward to the day when all you see for the Xbox Live Arcade titles is all the games priced at 1000+ Microsoft Points.

The 1200 price tag for Xbox Live Arcade titles is happening more and more, and all you can do is sit back and take it. If you're the generic gamer that only plays multiplayer games, this doesn't effect you. But if you're an active Xbox Live Arcade browser, then this is bad news. You're going to have to start paying more for your Xbox Live titles. Which is why I recommend you get Free Microsoft Points like I showed you in my first post, so check it out.

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